Become Accredited Verifier !

You wish to be accredited by the PEP ecopassport® program in order to be able to verify the PEP declarations? Accredited verifiers’ mission is to verify the compliance of the PEP declaration to "Instructions of PEP ecopassport® program" and to the "Product Category Rules of the PEP" as well, according to the procedures defined in the Program.

The accreditation of verifier relies on the requirements specified in standard ISO 14025 and takes into account best practices. This procedure aims to qualify and assess the required skills to ensure the quality and independence of the verification of the PEP subjected the compliance process of the PEP ecopassport® program.

If you wish to apply, please contact us at contact(at)

Please send us your file 1 month before.

>> The 2023 October session is full and closed. Next one will be organize in January 2024.